What is CBD Used For?

Cannabidiol. It might look like a long scientific name that’s something taught to you in secondary school biology and never heard of again, but it’s actually a really important discovery and dropping into everyday conversation more and more.

Today, we know it in modern culture as CBD – growing from strength to strength as a popular food additive with multiple benefits. In this article, we will look at all the different ways it’s being discussed for general use, plus whether it can make a long difference long term when consumed in its many different formats.

You might see it implemented as a key ingredient to spice up an old cooking recipe online and even as far as a suggestion within an online article about calming down dogs (and if you own a dog, you’ll understand the benefit of this in particular during Guy Fawkes night)! CBD is purchased by consumers for two main reasons, which we will explore initially: to help reduce body pain, and for boosting mental wellbeing.

CBD and pain management

Day to day we all feel different pains. Whether that’s arthritis pain in your wrists, back pains sitting at the office desk or joint issues in general, sometimes over the counter medicine doesn’t do the intended job. Often it helps to look at more natural remedies to tell the mind that the pain is no longer there, or at the very least keep it at bay. Cannabidiol is just one of 113 identified Cannabinoids taken from the cannabis plant, blending with different organic ingredients to create CBD. Because the increasingly used CBD combines a variety of elements from the cannabis plant, which has been used for hundreds and even thousands of years medicinally, the news regarding the effects CBD has to relieve pain is spreading like wildfire. 

Please be aware when purchasing CBD to check the amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the product. This is one of the Cannabinoids which causes the ‘high’ associated with recreational cannabis. It can also cause psychoactive effects. Legally all CBD products should contain under 0.01% of THC, which you can find from respected brands which follow the guidelines.

In the UK, CBD is not prescribed by doctors, but it’s used to help cancer patients relieve pain and nausea after chemotherapy, severe forms of epilepsy in children and adults plus for Multiple Sclerosis patients suffering from muscle spasms and stiffness. This highlights medicines with elements of cannabis extracts are making a difference, so with further studies and approval, it could contribute even more to society.

Improving mental health wellbeing

Another aspect of CBD use recognised medically in some studies suggest the food additive could help address mental health issues. This can range from:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Helping with insomnia
  • Assist in tackling depression

For those not aware of the science behind it, the body produces two receptors – CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 is linked more with a human’s mental state, impacting our mood, thoughts, emotions, memories and a range of other body functions. Meanwhile, CB2 is linked more to our pain and inflammation that occurs in our immune system. If you can find a CBD that works for you with the right dosage that your body can take, in addition to a correct level of THC stated above, studies suggest it can help to improve mental health.

Other uses for CBD

The above are the main reasons people consider taking CBD, whether that’s with edibles, vaping or oral drops. However, there are also many other different ways you implement CBD into your daily routine, to help reduce stress, before or after workouts and even some sports stars use CBD providing it’s not on their respective banned list of substances.

Many consider adding it to massage oils or bath bombs as an extra ingredient to improve relaxation for the mind and body. It’s also known to help with acne in some cases due to the anti-inflammation properties it holds, or to apply as a moisturising mix to relieve skin dryness. The possibilities are endless, and as we stated earlier, it can just as easily drop in the frying pan to whip up a quick dish for friends and family.

Overall, CBD has many uses which we are still discovering as research continues to come forward. The next step in its evolution is worldwide acceptance across the board and for its purpose and potential to aid good physical and mental health, recognisable by all medical professionals. While studies are limited and the long-term effects unsure, it’s best to stick with small doses, working your way up to the required amount gradually.

Above all else, you need to be picking a certified product that’s approved by a recognised governing body (in the UK by the Food Standards Agency, also known as FSA) that regulates and controls preparation for safe consumer use. Any organisation that’s part of the Cannabis Trades Association is also a sign of a CBD product you can trust.

If you have a specific question regarding CBD, feel free to get in touch with a member of our team!


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