How Long Before a CBD Vape Starts Working?

Extracted from the cannabis plant, Cannabidiol (known around the world as CBD) is a rapidly growing-in-popularity food supplement which works into our bodies in a variety of ways. Methods include CBD gummies, CBD oils, tinctures, a mixture of CBD food products and one of the recognised fastest methods – vaping CBD.   

However, because you are inhaling CBD, which is a liquid turned into vapour and exhaled back out of the mouth using a vape kit, many questions are posed about this method.   

It raises many questions, such as; how many CBD puffs are needed daily, what CBD dosage should I take and is CBD hard on the lungs? But one of the most frequently asked questions, which we will definitively answer with this blog, is ‘how long does it take for CBD vaping to start working’? Let’s get to it!   

Do You Feel Anything From CBD Vaping Compared to Other Methods?

The way that your body and mind feel CBD varies between individuals. Factors such as your weight, age, gender, diet and sleep patterns can all contribute to a positive or negative effect of vaping CBD. And because it’s one of the fastest methods to work within your system, via your bloodstream, the final result can alternate wildly depending on the person.   

Compared to other methods, vaping CBD is a much faster way of getting CBD into the body because there is a higher bioavailability. This is the process of your body absorbing nutrients into the body from a food supplement, or even a drug (which CBD is not to clarify).    

Cbd Vape E-Liquid Bottles

As CBD goes directly to the lungs and then the bloodstream, it’s a faster way of CBD working than a slow-release method such as CBD oils or tinctures.   

While it’s never recommended to inhale any substance into the lungs, providing the THC level is below 0.2%, it’s perfectly legal to purchase a CBD e-liquid (which contains a mixture of Vegetable Glycerine and Propylene Glycol at the base to produce the cloud effect).   

Essentially you feel CBD much faster than other CBD method types, but the results are not as long-lasting. Therefore, it depends on your reason for taking CBD and how you want to maximise the potential of this food supplement.   

How Long Does CBD Vape E-Liquids Take to Start Working?

Now we have explained the different types of CBD and the reasons customers in the UK pick one over the other, let’s get down to the nuts and bolts of the main reason you have landed on this page!    

Because vaping CBD is so effective for getting into the bloodstream, the effects can be felt within minutes, ranging up to 30 minutes once you have puffed on your chosen compatible device.   

The impact of CBD for its reported benefits such as a sense of calmness sweeping through the body, easing thoughts of anxiety, while also according to early research dealing with conditions such as chronic inflammation or insomnia, can be more gradual.   

But the initial impact of CBD on the body as we mentioned earlier depends on your factors, such as weight or diet. So, there is no definitive answer to how quickly you will feel CBD through vaping – all we know is that it’s faster than CBD oil or alternative methods. Between 30 minutes to an hour will be the height of the impact of vaping CBD in most circumstances, regardless of your body’s makeup.   

When Will the Feelings Likely Pass Before the Next Puff? 

For those who want the fastest route to the positive effects of CBD, vaping is the number one choice for many. However, it’s also the quickest way to lose whatever the sensation may feel like for you.   

This is purely because vaping CBD metabolises so quickly in our system once we have puffed on the device. Therefore, you can expect a maximum of three hours before another puff will be needed although you should keep within the recommended (daily amount of 10mg). If you didn’t know already – that’s roughly 10 puffs a day!

Should You Hold CBD In or Vape Directly to the Lungs? 

The answer is neither! Vaping CBD can put stress on your lungs and in contrast to vaping nicotine, you can feel the effects of CBD by simply vaping into the mouth and pushing it back out. Just think of it like you would with CBD oil. You don’t swallow the liquid but just soak it in the cheeks for a few seconds or under the tongue and naturally allow it into your system.   

With vaping CBD, it’s best advised to ease any stress on your lungs and puff straight back out, while keeping to the 10 puffs a day max guideline.   

Woman Driving a Car

Will Vaping Affect Your Ability to Work or Drive?

Providing the THC level is below the required amount, which is best avoided by ensuring you select a CBD vape retailer that can be trusted, selling respected and tested products that meet industry standards and regulations, you should be fine operating a vehicle or functioning correctly at work.    

Too much CBD in one go or exceeding the daily amount could lead to minor side effects such as fatigue, drowsiness or an upset stomach.   

Final Thoughts

Remember to start with a low dosage (perhaps vaping CBD once before bed, to begin with) and go from there. The dosage can then be adjusted based on your genetics, such as body weight, metabolism and tolerance levels.   

The time it takes for CBD to start working will always differ because we’re all different after all! The quality of the product you use, and your genetics shape the longevity of the CBD effects when vaping.  

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